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McDonald Patafta & Associates Lawyers

MPA Lawyers

McDonald Patafta & Associates Lawyers has been operating in Australia and Lao PDR since 2008 and is the only Australian law firm registered in Lao PDR.

Our Vientiane office provides international standard Lao legal and tax advice and documentation for foreign investors operating in, or looking to invest in, Lao PDR. Our approach is commercially focused and adapted to suit changing economic and regulatory conditions.

We have represented foreign and local clients across a broad range of commercial issues concerning foreign investment into Lao PDR. We have participated in several mining projects and acted as Lao Counsel to the Government of Lao PDR and lenders on numerous large-scale hydropower projects including:

– Nam Sim Hydropower Project (USD17.6M investment)
– Nam Lik 1 and 2 Hydropower Project (USD 150M investment)
– Nam Ou (USD 700M investment)

MPAL has been appointed as Honorary Counsel to the British Embassy and has also acted as Lao Counsel to the Singapore and Australian Embassies.

Our firm has strong links to the local and international business community and actively participates in community events. Arion Legal  holds membership with numerous  organisations including Australian Chamber of Commerce  (AUSTCHAM) and the British Business Group.

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